This is labelled as a Hand Knitter. The name plate has a name that looks very plain until one tries to read it. There
are no needles, but 2 movable "carriage" type things on the top, one has a white knob and the other is missing the
knob. These move the "gate Pegs" in and out and can move either direction and do not have to go all the way across
the bed. There are 2 cast-on type comb things, one has a springy type upper half that folds either way back on the comb.
That one is quite heavy. They both appear to fit neatly into the brackets sticking out from the front of the machine
and little levers on these brackets move the brackets forward and backwards making these combs closer and further away from
the gate pegs. I have no idea how to use this, no idea when it was made but perhaps in the 20's???? Love to hear input.