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Goodey's Knitting Toys
Brother KH 840 Knitting machine

It is quite similar to the KK93 except:

1) It does NOT have the Knitleader

2) It does NOT have intarsia setting built-in to the carriage. A separate intarsia carriage can be purchased from Brother dealers.

These are the differences and otherwise it is a clean well loved, little used machine also looking for a new home.

This machine is a 200 needle standard guage (4.5mm) punchcard knitting machine with a 24 stitch punchcard.

It has its manual, punchcards, and tools and has been thoroughly cleaned and tested. It uses the current ribber (in fact it will take the KR830 or the KR850 or KR900 ribbers) as well as the older model G-carriages with the extra rails (KG89). It uses the current knitleaders, transfer carriage, color changers (both single and double bed)

Happy looking





email: ggoodey AT telusplanet.net  (hint...replace AT with @)