This machine is complete with ribber, punchcards, knit contour, lace carriage, and Simulknit. The Toyota is known for
its Simulknit, a feature accessory added to the ribber which easily produces a single color backing on double jacquard fabric,
not nearly as easily produced on most other machines. This machine has also another interesting feature. It is a 24 stitch
punchcard machine with the added versatility of an 12 button selector which you may use to punch in any smaller pattern at
will without using a punchcard. You can also combine this feature with the punchcards which definitely gives some very interesting
choices. This machine does a really nice job of ribbing and the carriages are smooth and light moving. Toyota is no
longer being manufactured but needles and spongebars are available from suppliers. These machines are so well built, little
can go wrong with them except for the occasional needle needing replacing.
